Friday, July 4, 2014


      After starting my MMA program at Queen's University, weekends are not the same any more and more worryingly Fridays are not the same any more. The joy of being end of the week , wearing casual clothes (it is business casual for rest of the week), waking up lil late and taking extended lunch break (includes Friday prayers) has all ebbed away. Putting things in perspective negates or reinforces emotions.
      Having able put 'things' into 'buckets' simplifies your life emotionally. It acts like a 'shocker' that absorbs the extreme emotions. The outward forces impacts or shapes your perspective and the resultant behavior.
'Friday' is not an outward force, it is just an event that is cyclic in nature and one can not react and re-adjust constantly for this.
      Everyone reaches an 'inflection point' in their life, where they see themselves thrust in different domain or pushed out of their peripheral zone into a new, uncharted, untrodden path. But what makes you realize that you have reached your 'inflection point'? Translated into simple terms, this can be considered of maturity process :). At this age , I shall comment "dair ayaa durust ayaa" (better late than never)


  1. Commendable job in penning your thoughts, Ali. How does it feel, to see your ideas on paper (or screen!)? I'd feel liberated when I wrote regularly... One word of advice, never give up the this personal expression and cater to an audience instead, when one writes to become a brand or get the maximum "likes" is when the work starts going south and eventually die a natural death. Personal blogs should never be like that. They should just be a vehicle to deliver your thoughts to the world.

  2. Thank you Adeel bhai.
    Well said - 'Page Views' and 'likes' should not the focus.
