#CodeMonkey #Dreamer #DataEvangelist #AvidReader #Traveller #SquashAddict #SushiLover #Foodie
Thursday, July 24, 2014
6 years ago [25th July 2008]...
Can't believe my son has turned 6 MA ! He is turning out to be a great kid - who is observing and imitating our each and every dialogues/behaviors - gets freaky sometimes.
Some of the key characteristics that will give us some insight how is personality is shaping:
- Has some sort of identity confusion which is part and parcel of having parents on either side of LoC
- Speaks and understands Urdu which we are very proud of. [Will be joining French immersion school from September IA]
- Carnivore by hereditary.
- Loves Soccer, Cricket and Basketball. Not too fond of Water sports. Enrolled in Gymnastics, Soccer and Swimming classes.
- Goes to Quran classes every weekend [not by choice]
- Good ear for music - enjoys Pakistani songs more. With 'Aloo Anday' being the top in the list and 'Kola veri' last
- Loves playing and taking care of his baby sister Sheza
- Style sense - sometimes gets adamant of what he does and does not wants to wear. Prefers long sleeves.
- Superhero fan - Spider-Man and McQueen(if counted as a Super-Hero) being his favorites (5th and 4th Birthday cakes respectively)
- Sleeps in his room and not experienced any 'accidents' so far
- Nan/Paratha Lover. Loves when my mom makes 'Tikkiya' and 'Warqai Parathas' for him. He once said "Ammi makes the BEST rotis in the WORLD" (He calls my mom 'Ammi' and all the bread variations as 'Rotis')
- Loves to play with his cousins and wants to be part of 'League of Big Boyz'
- Loves making new friends and participating in activities
- Displays leadership qualities by giving instructions to his friends
- Traveled to UAE(Abu Dhabhi, Dubai, Sharjah,Al-Ain), Turkey(Istanbul), Italy(Florence,Rome,Venice), Saudi Arabia (Riyadh,Jeddah,Makkah/Madinah) and France(Paris) and counting (*hint: Europe again)
- Favorite destination - Disney World (Florida) - duh !
- Inclination for playing Guitar. [His mom suggests to make him learn Piano instead - still undecided but I have to agree]
- Loves watching belly-dancing without a blink
- Loves 'his' iPad. That is his companion wherever we go.
Parenting is no way easy, especially when it comes to the first one. By far we are not the perfect parents, have erred numerous times but to acknowledge your mistake and make sure it does not affect him negatively is the key. More than the worldly possessions, it is the values and high morals that we need to inculcate in him.
For a plant to blossom one needs to provide a conducive environment for optimized growth. Parenting is no way different: provide an atmosphere where one is nurtured, cared and loved.
I read a quote which was from a child to his father "The best gift you can give us is by being nice to our mother" . Couldn't agree more to it. In today's time - the quote should be modified by swapping the mother and father from the quote (To wife: "joke tha jee....tussey naraz mat hoo")
We strongly believe in providing highest education as that is the main reason why our parents migrated to Canada to begin with. Have a RESP account for him which I started when he was born. Alhamdulilah that has been growing well. I want him to be an Engineer and my wife wants him to be a Doctor - another part and parcel of having brown parents.
Some random stories from the past:
- I remember picking/dropping him off at DayCare. Got to hear tons of DayCare stories - some of them were hilarious. Initial Days were the most challenging part for all of us but Alhamdulilah overcame that albeit in 4 months or more.
- His hand 'fracture' on his 4th birthday. Had a Red color fiber-cast
- Spending father-son day with him on Friday when I used to work from home. We used to play, eat and pray
- He was shocked when got to know SRK is Indian. His voice almost became chokey. Later said "Does SRK hates Pakistan"
- Took him to the funeral of Majid Uncle (I picked him from DayCare after work and went straight to the funeral proceedings). Explained him why Majid Uncle's kids were crying and where did Majid Uncle go. [Later censured by wife]
P.S - I have tons of more - will create a separate blog entry :)
Hope to give him more love, care for him more, nurture him more! Parenting is a journey where we are constantly learning. Hope to learn and grow with him and have the best Father-Son relation with him IA!
Below is the Note I wrote on Facebook after 2 days when Shayaan was born {July 27th 2008]:
Assalam Guys!
Thanks a lot for the immense love and adulations showered upon us and to the newest member of our team! By the Grace of Allah, on 25th July Friday @ 12:06 am, Saba gave birth to a healthy baby boy. We have named him Shayaan Ali Farooqi. I am so proud to say that he resembles his mother a lot! Subhanallah!
The joy of holding your baby in your arms is extremely over-whelming. With perpetual stream of tears rolling from eyes and the humbleness towards the Giver, the Provider, the Greatest is beyond any words to do justice to the feeling.
I and Saba would like to thank each and everyone from bottom of our hearts. Please continue to make duas for us 3. We are indeed very touched with the incessant calls/text messages since Shayaan is born. Just a matter of few hours after Shayaan was born, my facebook posts jumped to 1891 (3.2% increase) from 1851 (I sound more as a Stock broker now lol). Visited by so many friends which were either coming during break or after work. We received so many bouquets/sweet boxes too! The whole point is that we are very very touched and would like to thank again and again for your gratitude.
I will post the pictures soon . And by the way, congrats to you guys as well for becoming cha-chas, mamus, khalas and phoppus. I am sure you guys must be feeling young now ;)
Love you guys!
Ali and Saba
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Well written MashAllah. May he become the coolness of your eyes inshAllah. I really liked the quote you used.