Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Strong-Link vs Weak-Link + High-Treshold vs Low-Treshold

Interesting concepts I came across in a podcast called Revisionist by Malcom Gladwell  that I wanted to pen down through this post and give examples to explain the terms.

Strong-Link and Weak-Link

In soccer, your best player is not good if the weakest player is also good enough to make a strong-link. 

In basketball, your best player does not necessarily needs to have all good players. You can have a weak-link and yet your star player can shine and lead the team to victory.

Low-Threshold and High-Threshold

Low Threshold - some people don't 'absorb' when communicating with their partners and  'steam off' when they have something to complain about

High-Threshold - some people just build up all the 'not rights' in the relationships and keep a mental note - and when they 'erupt' on an incident - they bring out the complaints dating back from wedding/honeymoon days. Meaning they have high-threshold in the relationship.

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