- Follow the speed limit
#CodeMonkey #Dreamer #DataEvangelist #AvidReader #Traveller #SquashAddict #SushiLover #Foodie
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Just Hang in there ...
- Follow the speed limit
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Afternoon Meh-ness
Instead of relying on external factors for some uplifting, this uplifting should come within. You should rely on WMD - not Weapon of Mass Destruction.
- Walk out in an open air for 20 mins. Change your shoes and pace yourself. Don't forget to swing your arms freely and raise your leg.
- Meditate (prayers can help) or power nap for 15 mins can do the trick. Point is to shut your eyes and relax.
- Drink lots of water. Hydrate yourself. I fill my 900 ml water bottle and finish it in the first 45 mins to have some oxygen gushing in my body. (Chemistry 101: Chemical formula of Water is H20 where O is for Oxygen #duh)
Practicing this ritual on consistent basis will sure bring laurels and provide a boost in your productivity.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
When it rains...
The scene from 'Social Network' flashes in front of my eyes. The scene from a court hearing against the Mark Zuckerberg character.
The conviction he delivers those lines is superb. The frustration and agony is woven in the texture of his voice. The arrogance that he bulldozes the client's lawyer is applause worthy. A scene reminding of David and Golaith, where a 19-year old Mark Zukerberg is stacked against the odds to face a wrathing and a ruthless lawyer.
It is raining while I am going back from work in a GO Bus. And when it rains it also pours :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Desire over Passion
The word 'passion' sounds cliche when you hear it in a job interview or read it on a Resume. I personally dislike that word. It gives mixed signal to your audience. Firstly, I associate word passion with 'hyperness' , 'youthfulness' , 'zest'. Secondly it gives you this 'born for this' conundrum. Lastly, it is an emotional word - emotions are ephemeral.
Being an IT professional, I have been working with Technology for last 8 years. I have studied Computer Science and then later studied Management Analytic. Can I call myself with someone with passion in technology? Absolutely not.
I simply have the 'desire' to be good in technology. Desire to improve professionally, desire to connect with people, desire to implement new functionality for business, desire to streamline process, desire to make a successful project launch. Desirability encompasses a wider spectrum than passion for programming/coding for example. Desirability is more human. It shows the constant need to grow where you will make mistakes (hence learn) along the way.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Silly: Being Sarcastic, Witty, Funny
If you peel the layer, sarcasm arises when you don't want to be blunt and direct. You fear the repercussion and also you have this pressing urge to get your message across; the resultant product - sarcasm.
When my wife prepares a bland dish where I am put under the radar to pass my judgement; you know you will be in deep trouble if you say an honest opinion. That question is always asking for trouble. My reply was "Its nice, kid-friendly dish". Note I didn't rock the boat and passed my message across in sarcasm. Emoticon: ;)
To be funny is difficult. Timings is really important . You have to flush out all the negative energy and be genuinely void of any biases against anyone in that situation. My late grandfather was a genuinely funny person. People also vouch for my Dad as one the funniest people they have met. A trait that I did not inherit as a legacy. Late Majid Uncle in recent times was a very funny person too.
My friend Jaffar Saleem is the most hilarious of the bunch. Even his name elicits laughter lol.
They genuinely see goodness in people and care about them. Being funny you brighten up other people and uplift their spirit without being offensive.
In the wake of Ashley Madison data leak I had my Facebook status as "Baal baal bach gya #AshleyMadisonLeak" (Meaning: Saved by an inch). I think that was funny. Managed to put smile on few faces. Emoticon: :D
Witty is one-liners. Tongue-n-Cheek comments. It falls between funny and sarcasm. It can have elements of both. Wittiness is situation based and timing is really important.
Me and my wife were talking about how Chris (from Steven and Chris Show) died and what media is making up the reason to be is sleep walking. I was refusing to believe in the face value and thought there is some foul play involved. My wife being his big fan she was simply refusing to see the other way. And during this, I glanced at my daughter and while shes asleep; she had literally covered every zone of the bed rolling, I blurted that she is "sleep walking" which diffused the situation and brought smile on my wife's face. Emoticon: :P
Just be your silly self and let people classify your silliness as witty, sarcasm or funny. After all they all put smile on people's face. Emoticon: :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Being in the moment
I drive-n-grab while driving to work. I lunch-n-work at my work. I tweet-n-play with my son. I listen-n-work while attending an evening class. The list goes on...
I do regret doing it all. I came to this realization when I was analyzing on how to maximize my energy level.
By doing things one at a time, your brain gets a breather and your body is under less stress. This also creates avenues to innovate and be more efficient since you are involving all your faculties in only task at a time.
I am now consciously reminding myself to undertake one task at a time. Getting up few minutes before to have breakfast before I leave for work in the morning. Put my cell phone away while playing with my son. Forcing myself to eat in the cafeteria during lunch time. One thing I really need to force myself is to put my cellphone away while my wife is talking to me ;-)
Friday, August 14, 2015
Beyond 14 August
Not everyone living in Pakistan can be a Muslim.Not every Muslim living in Pakistan can be a Sunni. And not every Sunni living in Pakistan can be a Deobandi.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Boding bald
The peer pressure to have a certain conformed image is prevalent in our society. From models need to have certain dimensions to CEO can not be fat. Next norm - husbands can not be bald :)
Monday, August 10, 2015
Are you a Genius?
- Make Art
- Give Gifts
- Do work that matters
- Connect
- Lead
- Make a Difference
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Stats is Math
From solving quadratic algebraic equations to proving trigonometric equations; from finding tangent in Geometry to calculating derivative of differential equations in Calculus. I used to be proud of my Mathematical prowess.
I was also humble of my natural talent; helped peers to grasp the obvious concepts which they found elusive. Alright I was not that humble lol.
From predicting forecasting models to finding correlations between customer behavior and store temperature - you need deep Statistics understanding to validate or discover any trends.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Chaiyya Chaiyya
The cast for the song was none other SRK, his cherubic innocence and infectious energy of SRK gripped the nation with his carefree dance moves and not to forget Malika Arora :)
Enjoy the Lyrics of the song below and till then Chaiyya Chaiyya!
Paaon ke neeche jaanat hogi
Chal chaiyya chaiyya chaiyya chaiyya
Must have Paradise under their feet
Keep walking in the shade of love
Pau janat chale chal chaiyya chaiyya
(Chal chaiyya chaiyya chaiyya chaiyya)
Paradise under their feet, keep walking
Keep walking in the shade of love
Voh jiski zubaan urdu ki tarah
Meri shaam raat, meri kaayanat
Voh yaar mera sainya sainya
Who whispers in a melodious tongue(Urdu)
Is my evening, night, my universe
My beloved, my love
Mehke to nazar aa jaaye kahin
Taaveez banaake pehnoon usay
Aayat ki tarah mil jaaye kahin
And is revealed in the fragrance
Made into a charm, I would wear hear
If I ever find her like a miracle
Mera nagma vohi mera qalma vohi
Mera nagma nagma mera qalma qalma
She is my song, my declaration of faith
My song, my declaration of faith
Paaon ke tale firdous chale
Kabhi daal daal, kabhi paat paat
Main hawa pe dhoondhoon uske nishaan
With paradise under the feet
Sometimes on the branches, sometimes on the leaves
I search for her trail in the breeze
Vo dhoop chhanv se harjaai
Vo shokh hai rang badalta hai
Main rangroop ka saudaai
Who flirts with light and shadow
She is mischievous, and changes colour
And I am a seeker of the colours and forms
Saturday, July 18, 2015
First ...
Switch On/Off
There were many take away Management and Product Design lessons from the book. One that moved me was his realisation and acknowledement of presence of a Supreme Force. Being an Atheist all his life, he started questioning the hereafter during the end. He dismissed the idea of body being 'turned off' after one dies. Soul can't just simply shut off. All the experiences one goes through and the wisdom one accrue must have some relevance and weight in the next life. The soul never shuts off. That was also one of the reasons why Steve Jobs vehemently opposed having a switch on/off button on his Mac products.
Soul is fluid .. Soul is eternal..Soul never switches Off.