Marriage is a journey between husband and wife - where one is wrong and the other one is wife!
My favorite tongue-n-cheek marriage quote lol.
This August 4, 2017 – I complete 10 years of union with my soulmate! It seems like yesterday I first saw her at Ryerson University. Little did I know that she was from different country and even little did I know that she will be my wife one day!
Marrying young(er), we both literally grew with one another. Supporting each other, falling and getting up and having fun along the way. Growing in our careers to becoming better parents (or worse if you ask my son lol). Living independently to travelling places together (12 countries and 1 cruise to Bahamas)
We sure had our ups and down but that’s what the journey is all about. The mutual respect, admiration, love and trust should always be preserved.
Saba has transformed by leaps and bounds – from shy and timid girl to confident, aspirant and outgoing (sometimes too much lol). Thanks for sticking with me and always correcting (read criticizing ) and motivating (read nagging) me for my own benefit (hehe).
For my couple friends who want some marriage tips, here are the list of 4-words that should be said unegoistically (not a complete list by any means):
- "I will do dishes"
- "I will get it"
-" It was my mistake"
- "I will feed kids"
- "I will babysit kids"
- "I will change diaper"
Not off the hook yet. Here are 3-words list that is equally important. Cautious: Might have to repeat infinite times:
- "I love you"
- "I am sorry"
- "Sorry, I forgot"
To many more years of companionship ;)
Congratulations to both of you. MashAllah may Allah bring more happiness and joy to your life.