Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My [could had been] Speech for the Groom...

This was my speech that I wanted to say at my brother's Reception ceremony that I made a mess of it. I had not written down my speech which is why I was not able to gather my thoughts coherently.
I blame my daughter squarely for that lol. (Poor her). Excuses aside, there were lot of lessons learnt. As they say, you learn more from your mistakes than successes. 

I will keep it very short as I have to run to the washroom *giggle*

AoA Everyone, on behalf of the Farooqi family. Welcome everybody!
For those who don't know me, My name is Salman Farooqi and I am Rehan's best eldest brother *smile*
*Looks at the couple * You guys are looking fab Mashallah! Welcome to the family Mehak!

I am remembering my wedding day which was not tooo long ago..only 9 years  back *giggle*
I was the first one to get married in my circle of friends. So after I got married, I used to meet with my friends with less frequency. Whenever I used to meet them, I was asked this cliche question - "Hows it going bro, hows the married life?" and my answer was only one word "goood".
On one occasion, I met my another friend after a hiatus and he in the similar tone like the above question: "Hows it going bro, how was the first fight?" and I said "good" in same vein without thinking. I retraced my word "whaaa...fight? no". I was trying to chew my words back but the cat was out of the bag at that point.
The point being is that when you have 2 individuals living together you are bound to lock horns once in a while. But at the end of the day the deep love, trust, respect, care and compassion triumphs all other barriers.
I have read and heard that in Islam, couples are like 'Libaas' or 'wardrobe' of one another.
It has a very deep meaning. It means we are like shield to one another, protecting each other's faults, honor and at the same time caring for each other's well-being, needs and desires.
*Looks at the couple* I hope these feelings keep blossoming between you guys.

Since it is your day *looks at Rehan*, I will say only good things about you *smiles*
He is the best brother I could had asked for. There is nothing new to tell about him that you *looks at Mehak* don't know. What I admire about Rehan is his sportsmanship spirit. Rehan being an athlete , he imbibes virtues like leadership, motivation, patience and hard-work. Welcome to the married club Dr. Rehan ! *smiles*

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all my family and extended family who have made it to Rehan-Mehak's Wedding. Special shout out to Dr. Ali Farooqi and Hashim Siddiqi - my 2 cousins who couldn't make it to the event. Your absence is surely felt :)

Thank you everyone. Enjoy rest of your evening.
Now I will go to the washroom *smiles*

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