Sunday, September 21, 2014


"5?? WHAT???..POTATOES" yelled my high school teacher at the poor student who was summoned for an answer to a physics problem. The appropriate answer would had been "5 Amperes" (unit for Current). Half knowledge and half-baked information are both dangerous. Embellishing or providing context to data completes and enriches the picture.
Doing Masters in Management Analytics - you realize the importance of context even more: providing results and describing the data within or between the groups. Able to narrate a story or convey a message behind those numbers is what providing context is. Providing context is providing background information that makes people understand the mentioned quote, text , graph etc. It is like fine tuning one's lens to provide a clear picture midst the blurriness.
Same methodology can be applied to different facets of life. Your behavior with others can be rational-ed when providing context behind it. This enables you to understand them better and deal with it accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. Great tip!!! "Half-baked info"... Love it! I will definitely try to provide context in my conversations now!
