Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rejection before Approval

History is littered with examples of great personalities that were ridiculed, rejected, outclassed, ostracized or whatever adjective you can use to describe how they were treated not-one-of-them to one-of-them! Sheer belief and unyielding resoluteness in their struggle led them to taste success !
These obstacles arises to test us how bad we really want something, it by no means an end of the road.
Einstein said: "Genius is 1 percent talent and 99 percent is perspiration". The wisdom behind struggle before success , pain before gain and get the simply interleaved with simple philosphy : you expand your emotional, intellectual, and all other faculties to better equip for the bigger and better things out there. To make yourself more worthy and deserving, stumbling before will make you cherish your victory even more.
Had a fruitful discussion with a friend today and he said that failures are groundwork for our success later. Couldn't have summarized any better. We aka Hans Sapiens with limited range of senses with myopic views are totally unaware of the grand scheme of things that we fall under. We should just "Stay calm and work hard" and not fret to much about the fate of the end result. We can only be called 'Experienced' when we go through obstacles and pitfalls. It is okay to get knocked down, important is to get up !
Whenever you fail , remember success is around the corner. The taste of failure will only make the taste of success sweet and worth the wait. Never give up, keep trying till you 'click' at the end.
To end on a lighter note, I was rejected by dozen of girls before one said yes and I quickly married her before she ponders on her decision :)

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