Friday, May 30, 2014

Woh humsafar tha

Re-visited the song after ages and alas it still holds its magic ! The 'thunderousique' voice of QB, the charm of Mr. Ashar, the innocence of Khizr flash in your mind. After 'Dhoop Kinarey' this is the next Pakistani Urdu Drama that has been etched in my soul for the longest time to come (woah !)
Most watched Pakistani Urdu Drama of all times is certainly a big achievement; considering it fended off challenges from Indian Saas-Bahu soap operas and Imran Khan rallies.
Brief mention needs to be mentioned about the song; it was originally sung by the legendary Abida Parveen. It was written by Naseer Turabi in 1971 depicting the tragic separation of East and West Pakistan:

                Keh Dhoop aur chaon ka alam raha..Judai na they
               Woh Hamsafar tha...haan...woh humsafar thaa...

The lead pair + QB became household names, they cashed in by asking over-the-roof price.

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