Wednesday, January 18, 2023

48 hours...

     Addicted or hooked is an understatement right now. I have taken the binge-listening to insane level. I have been listening to "Kahani Suno 2.0" by Kaifi Khalil for 48 hours and counting. I have been hypnotized, enamored, enthralled, beguiled, spellbound with this song - you get the point!
I have been listening while working, driving , going to sleep, going for walk, even TV time is watching this song.

In short, this song has consumed me. The song is about a lover yearning for his lost love and how he is left heart broken in desolate state. The way Kaifi Khalil sang this song - his haunting vocals, simple yet deep lyrics takes it to immortal level. This level can only be achieved someone who has went through the 7 levels of human emotions in love - attraction, amusement, infatuation , adulation , passion, heartache and sorrow. 

This song is a rage as we speak. It has smashed all numbers in no time. A song like this needs no validation in terms of social media metrics. This phenomenon reminds me of how Atif Aslam's 'Adadat' burst into the music scene and his song had a similar theme and affect - simple and deep lyrics, soulful vocals and sigh of a lost love.

I have watched unplugged versions that has different variant in lyrics. Each rendering new flavor, touching different notes of emotions. Believe it or not - I had tears rolling out of my eyes on few occasions. Not I am remembering 'someone' in the past, its just the raw emotions of the song that just gravitates you to a different zone.

Looking forward to more gem from this young lad from Lyari in Karachi,Pakistan. Lyari is the last place you would expect an artist would emerge. It is really heartening, a flame has risen from the ashes ! If I may, this might be the Renaissance in Pakistani Music. Taking Pakistani Music beyond brand studios (Nescafe Basement , Coke Studio , etc)