Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Versa - Viva La Vida !

12 years, yes - I owned Nissan Versa for 12 years. That is way above average (8 years) that Canadians hold on to their car for.

It was my first ever car. I bought it on May 2008 - few months before my son was born that year. I had bought it from an auction for $12k. It was a 2007 make and had 28,000km mileage. By the time it left my garage forever it was clicked around 276,000 km!

I can vouch for the car as the most economical car and required bare-minimum maintenance. Just like the car, I grew old with it. Ironically, I appreciated in value and Versa depreciated (pun intended).

I have lots of found memories with (and in) the car. During my career, it drove me to all my workplace in different cities - Markham, Mississauga, Thornhill, Cambridge, Waterloo and lastly- Vaughan. I have driven to Chicago twice in that car (both times to witness nuptial unions).

It was a bittersweet feeling - on one hand I was getting my first luxury car and on the other I was letting go my first car. Had I not been idly browsing for cars and getting snitched by the car dealer I would not had let go of you Versa. Yes Versa, I want you to know that I will always remember you and letting you go was not easy. I traded you with mere $500 - I know no one can put dollar value to you - you are priceless.

Doing a transaction in the holy and blessful month of Ramadan, I hope my new car brings joy and happiness for me and my family IA - Ameen.

P.S - I did not test drive Versa(2008) nor its replacement(2020) ~ somethings never change