Today (Sat July 1, 2017) we celebrate the 150th year of Canadian Federation. A beautiful country inside out. A country that I proudly call my home. The inclusivity, the openness, the warmth, the compassion - that is what being a Canadian is.
I came to Canada after high-school from Dubai - place where I was raised but never for a second called or felt my home. I always felt my identity was always for a lookout as I kept oscillating between Dubai and Karachi as my forced homes.
For me , Canada is where I had my many many firsts - first job, first car, first house, etc and many other life-long milestones - getting driver license, getting undergrad and grad degrees, marriage, kids, etc.
I made life-long friends here and blessed to have my parents living 40 miles away.
Having travelled to 11 countries (including USA) at the end of every vacation we always feel fortunate and grateful of living in Canada.
Born in Karachi...raised in Dubai , I do not see myself living anywhere but Canada.
Always having a mini-tussle with my neighbours down the South. With change in both the countries leadership, we clearly have an upper edge ;)
Happy Canada Day ! :)