Seeing a plethora of cars in the ditch, flipped and taking 180, 270 and 360 degree 'turns' ,I feel very fortunate to have gotten home safely with my wife and kids. My kids cooperated to their fullest which really surprised and impressed me.
By just hanging in there, you get immune to the torture and get to the finishing line before you even realise it. This concept was a piece I read in Dan Ariely's Predictably Irrational where he said the effect of undertaking a mundane task or undergoing a horrendous ordeal can be smoothed out if endured for a longer time interval. Taking shorter breaks throws your system off and the brain has to re-calibrate again. On the contrary, taking a short break from an enjoyable experience (for e.g. furnishing your room or enjoying an aged cheese from Amsterdam) makes you relish that experience for a longer period of time. The joy lingers. Savour the moment instead of binging and purging.
So the next time, in order to hang in there with class before embarking on a long drive, here are a few things that might be handy:
- Valid Insurance Card/ Car registration form
- Printed Map (GPS backup)
- Check weather
- Cellphone charger
- DVD Player
- Follow the speed limit
- Follow the speed limit