Sunday, January 11, 2015

Channels for Wisdom

With age comes wisdom - an old adage. True but not necessarily always true.
My 6 year old son was narrating me a conversation he had with one of my friends at a party. My son said my friend was telling him that he has big ears - like Aamir Khan had in his latest movie PK. I was furious and was offended, but before I expressed my feelings , I inquired my son how did he feel. My son said it is good as he can hear more clearly! I was moved by his positive outlook. Kids can teach you about wisdom.
On the other hand - some people when they get old become loose cannons. Best to avoid for fear of getting rubbed off by their negativity (and jealousy).
Surround yourself with positive energy. Create an environment where positive energy flows in. 
People who put you down, depress you, intimidate you, who are filled with ego - in short people who impart negative energy- simply avoid them.
It will be your gain not loss.