Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Woke up with a severe headache this morning. Brushed my way to work in a rush without giving my headache to much attention, partly thinking its due to MMS (Monday Morning Sickness). When I got to work , my head was feeling as if someone is smashing my head against the wall. I resisted the pain and retorted to 'numb' state which I was clearly not. Got an Advil and a Tylenol from a co-worker. Placed it in front of me and braving to weather the pain without taking those pills - whom was I kidding at the end?
The ordeal was an excruciating one. Besides being a totally unproductive day it was a painful one nevertheless. Head was pounding by every minute. Drank lot of warm water,walked out of the office for fresh air - nothing worked.
After getting home with an hour drive, the pain didn't assuage a bit. Not to miss out the family time with my kids - I succumbed to the guilt and gulped a Tylenol down my throat and voila! The headache left me like a donkey's horn. As Tylenol advertisement tagline correctly says "Get back to your normal' whatever that is."
My normal was -
- Played with my daughter and fed my son.
- Watched Emmy Award. Ecstatic to see Jim Parson and Bryan Cranston winning Best Comedian and Best Actor awards respectively. Breaking Bad being the best Drama and Modern Family being the best comedy drama !
- Started the blog
- Started the Angry Bird 3-D puzzle with my son
- Took out the garbage.
- Slept early at 11 pm for a change.

I try to resist painkillers as I've heard and read that they are the number 1 cause for Kidney failure ! Avoiding pills and opting for herbal alternate is always the best way - but unfortunately, we live in a 'quick-fix' and an 'instant' phase where slow-and-brewing is considered stone age.

No 'Esc' from Pill !