At this point not a living soul might not have either listened,chimed and danced on this one (Confession: I have done 2 of the three). This worldwide viral song has unique DNA that makes it an infectious one! In more than 18 countries it has reached number one song for the week(s).
This song is written, produced and sang by Pharrell Williams. This song was also nominated for the Best Original Song Oscar at the Academy Awards after being featured in the film Despicable Me 2 last year. It was forgettable when I first watched it as I was getting amused by Minions rather than paying heed to the song. Later, same song was played in a public place where my son (5.5 years) exclaimed proudly that he recognizes the song. I again shrugged it off and smiled back acknowledging his observation.
What is the 'recipe' of this amazing song? Simple lyrics, upbeat music, unique voice. Another contributing factor is the people! The audience which after 'consuming' it are 'contributing' to the value of the song by recording joyously their own city and miming along and sharing it ! A wonderful place where we live where psychological factor such as Collaboration meets Social web. Better put - Human Social Web spreading happiness !