Friday, April 25, 2014

'Happy' - Pharrell Williams

At this point not a living soul might not have either listened,chimed and danced on this one (Confession: I have done 2 of the three). This worldwide viral song has unique DNA that makes it an infectious one! In more than 18 countries it has reached number one song for the week(s).
This song is written, produced and sang by Pharrell Williams. This song was also nominated for the Best Original Song Oscar at the Academy Awards after being featured in the film Despicable Me 2 last year. It was forgettable when I first watched it as I was getting amused by Minions rather than paying heed to the song. Later, same song was played in a public place where my son (5.5 years) exclaimed proudly that he recognizes the song. I again shrugged it off and smiled back acknowledging his observation.
What is the 'recipe' of this amazing song? Simple lyrics, upbeat music, unique voice. Another contributing factor is the people! The audience which after 'consuming' it are 'contributing' to the value of the song by recording joyously their own city and miming along and sharing it ! A wonderful place where we live where psychological factor such as Collaboration meets Social web. Better put - Human Social Web spreading happiness !

Monday, April 21, 2014

Desi Weddings -Part 1: Mehndi

                   Last night watched my cousin's 'Wedding' DVD held in Karachi,Pakistan. By Wedding I mean extended wedding with 3 DVDs for each occasion.
I will blog one for each occasion to maintain the mood (and interest hopefully) as well do justice to each event instead of summarizing all the events in one blog.

'Mehndi' is pre-wedding ceremony which serves as the primer or ice-breaker for the heavy ceremonies that follows typically on consecutive days.Mehndi has typically yellow color theme signifying the color of Mehndi or Henna. The Bride-to-be embraces a yellow/orange/green shalwar kameez or some variant - choridaar or a gharghra with colored-braid following and adorned with fresh flower bangles and ear-rings. She typically wears minimal makeup and head is mounted either straight or downward direction depending on the liberal factor of both the parties. The event is also primarily a Bride-to-be event but with changing times , the invitation is extend to the Groom-to-be as well.

Groom-to-be wears a designer shalwar kameez of white color usually with Peshawari Chappal (not the infamously Paul Smith designed shoe)  and dons a shawl wrapped around his neck and flowing sideways as well. He will typically have a stubble or a light beard with intention to shave it off on Wedding day.
 Mehndi has the 'rustic' feel with stage decorated with hand painted pots and instead of a couch you have a swing to seat the couple-to-be - again trying to create a rural world in an urban world.

Special mention needs to be made about the 'entry' of the Bride-to-be. She is carried in a cart type of structure with window carvings on the side and closed from front,back and top. It is carried by 4 people holding the extended wood logs protruding from the base of the cart and placing it on the shoulder. It is a very responsible job as the life of the Bride-to-be is in your hands - or shoulder rather  The Groom-to-be enters subsequently walking under the roof of chadar/dupatta held by his siblings.

After the couple-to-be are all settled and placed in the swing separated by 0.01mm distance; what ritual comes next is to unsettle their gastronomical endurance. Married women and close family members feed them with gamut of sweets and apply Mehndi on their hands. The couple try to consume as little as possible as feeders try to be generous in their feed. The matter is really tested when kids join the feeding party.

Appropriate songs are sang from both sides which usually serves as tit-for-tat song competition teasing each party - all in good humor. Keeping family sensitivities in mind - an elaborate dance performances also takes place with songs from famous Bollywood movies.

Mehndi is the event where 'sky is the limit' - in terms of decoration (stage,hall , cart,center pieces) finer decorations (from the spoon in which they are fed to dinner theme) , exhaustive dance and song practice. Since there is no 'protocol' - people usually enjoy Mehndi the most. I will reserve my opinion after the completion of the subsequent blogs but I think I have already given away ;)

Monday, April 7, 2014


       So a year older, wiser (Ahemm) and richer (Cough). Another weekend has passed and another birthday has passed! Yes, it was another of my 30+ birthday on 4th April which I share with my twin.
With one more line etched on my face, receding hair line, growing gut and hair sprouting from unusual places - official entry into the mid-life crisis! Besides New Year's eve , this is the second time in a year when I try to self-reflect and muster courage to walk on the untrodden path and be a role model albeit without a plan !

"30s is the new 20s" - seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy where you can let a decade pass and continue your usual life without reflecting deeply upon the changing relationship between you and the people around you. More importantly, the changes happening inside you! What is brewing inside your body (no pun intended) is what you are outside not the other way around.
As time is ticking so is our potential clock - the opportunities as they might be limitless but our faculty of sense are limited, our resources are limited and our life span is - limited. Act before you wonder why you are getting 20-30% discount at your next haircut or a visit to BulkBarn - that is your Senior's Discount :-)
The desire to be healthy is burning like never before. Hope to play squash more regularly, eat healthy (except for Popeyes Chicken :D), immerse in spiritual acts, engage in volunteer work, enroll in classes/course,  travel more, cook (my wife's nightmare if I step into the kitchen), read, listen to more podcasts and watch more TED videos. How would I do it - no plan !