Monday, March 31, 2014

Social Marketing Design

Acting like a morning zombie straight from Walking Dead episode, part of my morning regiment - besides dreading out of bed; is to lineup faithfully at coffee drive-thru and display my lack of vocal prowess by repeating my order twice.Once the first sip of coffee has passed my throat I could feel the reinvigorating affect and the entrusted  'with power comes responsibility' power bestowed upon me of saving the mankind !

For the last year or so I have 'converted' as I may say it - from a double-double Tim Hortons fan to McCafe fan. What I say next might be tantamount to blasphemy but McCafe is better than Tim Hortons ! There I had to say it.

McCafe's roasted Arabica bean is no match to Tim Hortons - period!

Besides that - McCafe cups ! Every cup is a winner ! I am more convinced that you will be hit by lightning than win a free coffee in Roll-up-the-Rim Tim Horton's Cup. Every McCafe cup brings you 1/7th step closer to the finishing line.
Their cups are intelligently designed - keeps your coffee warmer; easy to snap back the lid; less prone to spilling it while driving and sipping. And once you remove the shiny sticker and post it on the coffee card; the cup has a graceful exit into the recyclable bin as opposed to facing the chagrin of a winless drinker.
I have witnessed many empty 'Timmie' (as fondly called) cups with rolled-up rim thrown away on the sidewalk or even cut-away prize text from the rim cups - both cases meeting the same fate. 

The brand still 'talks' even it is 'disposed off'. A product designed to be more social gets along well with the environment. Having a good product is half the battle won. Having a great design is icing at the top of the cake. Time for more caffeine.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

To Go or Not

In a crisscross road of my life. The decision that would impact not only the undertakers but the generation before and after as well.
Being an IT professional , we create data flow chart creating logical flow for every 'decision' path. Ironically this time cannot architect life paths emanating from this decision.
The longer time you take , the longer you come to a conclusion and that's precisely the situation I am facing.